Changan CS 15 New Cash or Installment

Specifications and prices of new Changan CS 15 cars in Egypt (Cash or Installment), best new cars deals only on Malekcars

Changan New

from 1,385,000 EGP
to 1,600,000 EGP
Min.Deposit 415,500 EGP
Min.Installment 24,641 EGP
from 1,290,000 EGP
to 1,475,000 EGP
Min.Deposit 387,000 EGP
Min.Installment 22,951 EGP
from 1,100,000 EGP
to 1,275,000 EGP
Min.Deposit 330,000 EGP
Min.Installment 19,571 EGP

Changan CS 35 Plus used cars For Sale

650,000 EGP
View all Changan CS 15 used cars For Sale