Jetour X95 New Cash or Installment

Specifications and prices of new Jetour X95 cars in Egypt (Cash or Installment), best new cars deals only on Malekcars

Jetour New

from 1,895,000 EGP
to 2,000,000 EGP
Min.Deposit 568,500 EGP
Min.Installment 33,715 EGP
from 1,394,000 EGP
to 1,494,000 EGP
Min.Deposit 418,200 EGP
Min.Installment 24,801 EGP
Price 1,449,000 EGP
Min.Deposit 434,700 EGP
Min.Installment 25,780 EGP
Price 1,734,000 EGP
Min.Deposit 520,200 EGP
Min.Installment 30,850 EGP
from 1,184,000 EGP
to 1,254,000 EGP
Min.Deposit 355,200 EGP
Min.Installment 21,065 EGP